Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today we visited the Hospital Trousseau to learn about the hospital and how it’s organized. In France they have universal health care which provides free healthcare to all of France’s citizens. They call their health care system Sécurité Sociale or Social Security which should not be confused with our system of Social Security. 
The Hospital Troussaeu is a public hospital in district 12 in Paris. It specializes in gynecology and pediatrics. The Hospital Trousseau- La Roche-Guyon have 388 beds,  2300 healthcare professionals, and 30,000 patients coming in between those two hospitals. 
There are many similarities and difference that we observed from our visit to the hospital. We noticed that they have many of the same standard precautions like we do like posters of hand hygiene, preventing needle stick injuries and patient confidentiality. One of the major differences is the educational training in France to become a nurse or infirmier. It only takes them 3 years to become a nurse and in their curriculum they are not taught pediatrics. Instead if they choose to  work on the pediatric floor they will be trained during their orientation   
       There are downfalls to system of healthcare. Since medical care is considered a right in France, healthcare proffessionals find many people abusing their privileges like more frequent medical visits and over mediation. Because of this they found that their healthcare system is putting them into financial debt and that they need to find a solution to their problem before their country gets into financial ruin.  


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